Can you paint it after sandblasting?

Can you paint it after sandblasting?

Sandblasting is an efficient method for removing old paint and rust from a metal object for painting. Sandblasting is performed on virtually any metal object creates a smooth surface due to the abrasive qualities of the sand. After sandblasting, the metal object must be thoroughly cleaned to remove all traces of dirt and grease that will interfere with the paint.

Beginning with blasting, the surface of the part is cleaned through abrasion. The etching and scratching in the surface prepare the surface so that the paint bonds and sticks with it. Without this step, paint chips more easily. Sandblasting strips the oxidation off of the steel. Leaving it exposed and not properly finished in the wrong environment will cause rust so quickly. The part is allowed to dry in a safe atmosphere for the next step.

After pretreatment, a zinc-based primer and the powder are electrically applied with an electrostatic gun. The electrostatic gun adds in the even distribution and speed. This also has the double benefit of restricting over-spraying.

The Advantages of Sandblasting and Painting:-

The main benefits of the former are durability and longevity. Blast and paint do more than provide a pretty paint job. It is  more cost-effective and  protection against environmental hazards that simple  paint does not:


At only 3 mils, a single coat has similar corrosion protection to that of 3 coats of paint and it is applied at the exact same thickness. Whereas wet paint is generally used for indoor applications, powder-coated parts have excellent weather ability to paint after the sandblasting.


As a solid product, wasted spray can be improved and reused. Overspray is less likely and the transfer efficiency of blast and paint is between 60 and 70 percent (compare the much lower 30 to 35 percent transfer rate of wet paint).

Production Benefits:

Blast and paint get parts ready to go faster than wet paint. As soon as a chassis is cooled it is ready to be handled. There is less downtime as powder coating lines require less oversight.

Chemical Resistance:

When seen the damage done. With blast and paint, chemical resistance will be finished. Just wipe up the mess and the paint is left completed.

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