Cartridge Filter Dust Collector

Cartridge Filter Dust Collector

(1- 20Lakh *)
Specifications for Cartridge Filter Dust Collector:
Product Cartridge Filter Dust Collector 
Material Mild Steel
Type Bag
Cartridge Filter
Filter Cloth Area
3 - 20 m2
No of Bags 02 - 20 Nos. (according to req.)
Fan Capacity 500-1500 CFM
Power 3 - 10 H.P.
Country India
Size Customized
Transport Type Land / Sea / Air Transport
Payment Mode:
  • 100% T/T
  • NEFT
  • RTGS
  • IMPS
Transport Mode:
  • Air Transport
  • Sea Transport
  • Land Transport

  • For sand and grit blasting machine operation.
  • To gather unneeded medications and some types of chemical powders.
  • Collecting fine dust during granite engraving operation.
  • Fumes from welding, laser, and plasma cutters.

Introduction Of Cartridge Filter Dust Collector 

A cartridge filter dust collector is a dry filtration system utilized to purify air from suspended solid particles. This kind of filter unit are generally employed for decomposing collected dust produced by general industrial applications, laser & plasma cutting units. Dust collector assembled up of filter unit & duct system whichever is utilized for sucking contaminated air. Cartridge dust collectors utilize jet pulse cleaning technique. In this metod periodic pulse of compressed air is dispatched across cartridge to dislodge dust cake, whichever forms on exterior of cartridge filter. Dust bits are dissolved on exterior by nanofiber technology. Clean air flows upwards inside cartridge filters & arrives at uncluttered air compartment of filter unit. In this section, immaculate air is stunk & blown into environment either instantly & by duct system.

When cartridge filters arrive at an individual point of contamination, filter cleaning system is triggered automatically & when cartridge filters are cleansed to a particular level, cleaning system is automatically disengaged. This cycle is checked by an electronic control system. Thus more effective & permanent working order occurs during filtration. The separated dust that contains been blown off cartridges falls down to the dust collection container. It could be lowered extremely comfortably by utilizing the leverage mechanism.

Cartridge filter dust control systems are located in a broad spectrum of processes. Metal finishing, abrasive blasting machine with different media, powder handling, powder coating, grain & feed, paper & printing, food processing, ceramic tile, plastics foundry, & different utilization is actually controlled and accompanied by cartridge filter dust collection systems.

Cartridge Dust Collector

Vertical cartridge dust collector accompanied by a broad scope of different cartridges qualified for resolving any dust problem. Dust bits are brought into a velocity removal chamber next to filter section, where big particles are disconnected from airstream & fall straight into sand blasting hopper; more smallish bits are then removed into cartridge section & filtered. Maintenance is substantially minimized since electronic pulse control furnishes an overflow indication to air valves, pulsing compressed air from interior of cartridges to the outside, compelling dust to be blasted away & decline into hopper while collector is running.

Our dust collector cartridge filters are an excellent substitute for mobile, blast room, & sand blasting cabinet dust collectors in the abrasive blasting sector. Choose between normal & cartridge filter dust collectors to enhance the effectiveness  & longevity of your dust collector.

Heightened effectiveness cartridge dust collector scheduled to eliminate airborne dust as it is generated. Impurities are apprehended at source and then conveyed throughout ducting to cartridge filter section (dirty air section) wherever dust is collected. Clean air is then terminated from the unit via clean air discharge.

There are two preceding modes of procedure the air filtering operation & the filter cleaning cycle.

Air Filtering Operation

A polluted air stream is sucked into the dust collector & decreased in acceleration by input baffle plates, resulting in equal air diffusion throughout cartridge filters' whole exterior area. This design improves filtering effectiveness by forming a homogeneous dust fritter on the filter. Air stream is guided almost cartridge filters & down to the hopper, wherever larger bits are released into dust storage drum.

Polluted air then travels via cartridge filters. Filter media withdraws dust from airflow, enabling just uncluttered air to depart via a cartridge filter. Air is then routed into an uncluttered air plenum, via a blower package, & discharged from the unit.

Filter Cleaning Cycle

During regular process, impurities accumulate on exterior of cartridge filters. Reverse-pulse cleaning machine transmits temporary explosions of compressed air via diaphragm valves & into cartridge filter. This pulsing motion dismissal gathered bits from medium, whichever falls into hopper & are emptied into a dust collection drum & drawer.
Throughout cleaning procedure, separate pairs of cartridge filters are cleansed separately. Solid-state sequential timer activates a solenoid valve, allowing an air diaphragm valve to extend for around 100 milliseconds. Heightened pressure air from the air from various reservoirs flows via a diaphragm valve & into venturi installed on tube sheet in a facade of cartridge filters. Venturi, in combination accompanied by the nozzle, increases compressed air energy, resulting in maximum portion of collected dust terminated from filter exterior.

Well-designed cartridge filter dust collectors may gather particles as fine as 0.3 m with an efficiency of until 99.9%. Reverse pulse jet dust collector technology minimizes filter strangling by cleansing pressurized air inside the filters at typical intervals, causing dust bits to decrease off cartridge filters' external exterior. cartridge filter dust collectors are indoor dust collectors certain can efficiently compose airborne processing dust from three to seven machines, hanging on the piece of dust. Direction of the blowers may be altered between foot-mounted & flange-mounted turning on the site requirements.

Cartridge Filter Dust Collector Features

  • Compatible with mobile, sand blasting room, & cabinet dust collectors.
  • Choose between normal & cartridge filter dust collector varieties for increased performance.
  • Cartridges have a nylon trap sprayed onto the basic cellulose filter material to improve stiffness, durability, & cleanability.
  • Cartridges provide special dust discharge, diminishing pulse length & pressure, increasing cartridge life & lowering energy expenditures.
  • Longer cartridge life lowers downtime & maintenance expenses.
  • Lightweight & simple to install.
  • Cartridges are functional accompanied by flame-retardant media & stainless steel structure for usefulness in damp situations.

Cartridge Filter Dust Collector Price

Airo Shot Blast Equipments is the leading cartridge filter dust collector manufacturer and also the supplier of cartridge filter dust collectors in India. We offer industrial dust collectors, sand blasting machine, portable sand blasting machines, cabinet-type shot blasting machines, grit blasting machines, thermal spray guns, thermal spray wire, abrasive media, mineral powder, etc. 

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